Friday 18 January 2013

The word on the street

A weekly round up of articles I've enjoyed over the past week.

How much time do you spend cleaning up your online life? It's easy to see when the house needs decluttering, but the digital stuff can be hidden. Get some great tips on giving your data a bit of a tidy up -

Most of these hints are common sense, but I love the idea of a five item rule.

Over at Slow your home, Brooke takes a slightly different tack on the whole getting organised thing. The less clutter you have, the fewer organisational tools you'll need. Her tip on being as organised as you need and no more is very agile! Check out

Over at Kidspot, there's advice on not sweating the small stuff. We all know someone who lives in an immaculate home; maybe you are that person. If you're not, it's not a problem. Just do your best and embrace the disorder where you have to.

Decluttering isn't just about physical or digital mess; you can declutter your processes. Have a look at There Was A Crooked House for hints make the mornings smoother.


Being agile

Keeping the house running smoothly is not my forte. I'm not one of those people with a beautifully lit, flawlessly styled, immaculately clean homes. If you're looking for that sort of site, keep searching.

This site is for people who want to try a new approach to getting organized. One that isn't perfect, but is good enough. This is about applying project methodology to the home and getting it running the agile way.